Services Offered
Play Therapy
Play Therapy for most children is what counseling is to adults. Up to about age 10 children will naturally use play to communicate how they feel about life situations. With a trained play therapist to assess and understand children's play, children learn to cope with difficult emotions and find some resolution to problems they may be experiencing. Play gives tough life experiences a safe distance. Play also gives a sense of control and understanding of life stressors and traumatic events that they essentially had no control over. By confronting problems in play therapy the child has the opportunity to change the way he/she thinks and feels toward their concerns.
Parent Consultation
As a parent of a young child you may have questions:
Is this "normal behavior?”
Do all children answer with a shrug and blank stare when asked "what's wrong?" or "why did you do that?"
“How do you help a 4 year old who is strong willed? Because nothing I am doing seems to work!”
During parent consults we can explore how a young chid's brain works, as well as tips and strategies to help make your home a happier place to be.
Family Therapy
In Family Therapy we look at ways to help family members improve communication and resolve conflict. Often family therapy is in addition or in conjunction with individual therapy. However, how often we meet as a family and who in the family is present, will depend on your families particular situation and needs.
Other Services Offered:
Sandtray Therapy
Individual Therapy
Areas of Specialty:
3-5 yrs of age/school age
Parent/ Child-Parent Relationship
Filial Therapy/ CPRT Training
Presenting Concerns:
Emotional/ Behavioral
Family Conflict
Parent/Child relationship
Depression/ Anxiety
Coping Skills/Emotional Regulation
Developmental Disorders
Adoption/ Fostering
Grief and Loss
Health Concerns/Diagnosis
Physical Abuse
Sexual Abuse
Domestic Violence